
How to solve square number between 50 to 59 / this is most easy step this can solve in second

this is so easy step to solve square number between 50 to 59. the two main step is there  this can solve in second. but this square number solving method can apply 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59 for only this number can solve by this method so how to solve square number between 50 to 59 let's see Step 1 :- Add 25 to the once digit Step 2 :-  square the once digit ( if the                              square is one digit put 0 in front                  of it ) Step 3 :- place first step 1 and last step 2 Ex. 52square Step 1 :- 25 + 2 = 27 step 2 :- 02square = 04 ( if the square is one digit put the 0 infront of it ) step 3 :- 27_ 04 = 2704 Ex. 56sqaure step 1 :- 25 + 06 = 31 step 2 :- 06square = 36 step 3:- 31_ 36 = 3136 so solve the problem for practice this tricks is learn by this video connect with this link

How to solve square number between 40 and 49 /very easy method solve in second

this is very easy method. this is short tricks you can solve in second but this method can apply to only square number between 40 to 49. it's mean it can apply 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49. for solving this square number some tricks is apply that is Step 1 :- subtract the number using 50 Step 2 :- substract the result from step 1                 from 25 Step 3 :- square the result of step 1 ( if the                    result is single digit put the 0 in                        front of it ) Step 4 :- put the result first step 2 then next                  step 3 Ex. 47square Step 1 :- 50 - 47 = 03 Step 2 :- 25 - 03 = 22 Step 3 :- 03square= 09 Step 4 :- 22_09                = 2209 Ex. 42square Step 1 :- 50 - 42 = 08 Step 2 :-  ...

How to find Square number between 10 to 19

       for finding square number between 10 to 19 there is apply some rule. this rule can apply only 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, and 19. so  let's see how to find Square number between 10 to 19 Step 1 :- Add the number to the once digit Step 2 :- step 1 ans Multiply to 10 Seep 3 :- square the once digit number Step 4 :- Add step 1 And step 2 Ex. 14square  that is ... 14 × 14 =196 Step 1 :- 14 + 4 = 18 Step 2 :- 18 × 10 = 180 Step 3 :- 4 square = 16 Step 4 :- 180 + 16 = 196 Ex. 18square = 324 Step 1 :- 18 + 8 = 26 Step 2 :- 26 × 10 = 260 Step 3 :- 8square = 64 Step 4 :- 260+64 =324 Solve some problem

How to find Square number between 90 and 99 / solve in 5 second

Squares number between 90 and 99 this tricks is apply for that is 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99.  This tricks is finding square number. This is very short tricks and easy tricks some step is satisfied for this rule Step 1 :-  substract the number from 100 Step 2 :-  substract the number from step 1                 To original number Step 3 :- square the result of step 1 ( if the                     results is single digit then put 0                         infront of it) Step 4 :- place the result first step 2 and next                 step 3 Ex. 92square Step 1 :- 100 - 92 = 8 Step 2 :- 92 - 8 = 84 Step 3 :- 8 × 8 = 64.       8square = 64 Step 4 :- 84_64               = 8464 Ex. 97square Step 1 :- 100 - 97 = 3 ...

How to find Square number between 100 and 109/ Solve in second

This method use only for square number between 100 and 109 that is square of 100,101,102,103,104,105,106,107,108,109 etc. Only find that square Step of finding square of 100 and 109. Step 1:- Add the number. to the once digit of leftmost one digit Step 2 :- square the once digit number ( if the result is single digit put the 0 in front of it) Step 3 :- place the result first step 1 and after step 2. Ex. 108 square Step 1 :- 108+8=116 Step 2 :- 8 square = 64 Step 3 :- 116_64              = 11664 Ex 2. 102 square Step 1 :- 102+2=104 Step 2 :- 2 square = 04 (because step 2 result is single digit so put 0 in front of the result)) Step 3 :- 104_04             = 10404  Practice of some problem and be better

How to become brilliant in Math

      Many people they are not become loss in math. they feel like math is bad and it's so irritated. and some people is bored. but they want to improve our math. I tell you math is best subject but just need of to know of math   now you have to choose one aim about math that is First is you know about math and second things is you know about math knowing to the mind          when you study of math but we feel bored and irritated. some people feel like just live it. when that type of feeling inside your mind then play with your mind na shive the right way to the mind ( just convert for math only )  practice        Math  have need practice, if you know math then math will give you way. and give the time to math and math give you time ( because of math study become easy and for math study time is save. it's so easy some time some problem is hard that time you left your problem of math but remember t...

How to find multiply two digit number having same ten digit and once digit sum is 10

For solve this problem some condition is required that is First left one digit should same  And one right digit should sum is 10 of two digit Ex. 21×29,35×35,43×47,42×48,98×92,84×86 Some steps are satisfy for this math short trick Step 1 :- Multiply the first digit by the first                    digit plus one  Step 2 :- Multiply the rightmost digit ( if the                  result is single digit put a 0 infront                  of it ) Step 3 :- place the result from step 2 next to                  the result from step 1 Ex. 54 × 56 = 3024 Step 1 :- 5×(5+1) = 5×6                                = 30 Step 2 :- 4 × 6 = 24 Step 3 :- 30_24            ...