How to become brilliant in Math

      Many people they are not become loss in math. they feel like math is bad and it's so irritated. and some people is bored. but they want to improve our math. I tell you math is best subject but just need of to know of math
  now you have to choose one aim about math that is
First is you know about math and second things is you know about math

knowing to the mind 
       when you study of math but we feel bored and irritated. some people feel like just live it. when that type of feeling inside your mind then play with your mind na shive the right way to the mind ( just convert for math only )

       Math  have need practice, if you know math then math will give you way. and give the time to math and math give you time ( because of math study become easy and for math study time is save. it's so easy some time some problem is hard that time you left your problem of math but remember that time just focus on your practice and give the way to solution

Try different type of problem
      when you solve some problem of math but some problem is hard. it's mean is additional tricks is apply so don't fear about problem and solve by different tricks. and solve some problem of your own way. not important your solution is wrong, just need of try 


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