How to solve square number between 50 to 59 / this is most easy step this can solve in second

this is so easy step to solve square number between 50 to 59. the two main step is there  this can solve in second. but this square number solving method can apply 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59 for only this number can solve by this method so how to solve square number between 50 to 59 let's see
Step 1 :- Add 25 to the once digit
Step 2 :-  square the once digit ( if the                              square is one digit put 0 in front
                 of it )
Step 3 :- place first step 1 and last step 2

Ex. 52square
Step 1 :- 25 + 2 = 27
step 2 :- 02square = 04 ( if the square is one digit put the 0 infront of it )
step 3 :- 27_ 04 = 2704

Ex. 56sqaure
step 1 :- 25 + 06 = 31
step 2 :- 06square = 36
step 3:- 31_ 36 = 3136

so solve the problem for practice
this tricks is learn by this video connect with this link


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