How to find Square number between 100 and 109/ Solve in second

This method use only for square number between 100 and 109 that is square of 100,101,102,103,104,105,106,107,108,109 etc.
Only find that square
Step of finding square of 100 and 109.
Step 1:- Add the number. to the once digit of leftmost one digit
Step 2 :- square the once digit number ( if the result is single digit put the 0 in front of it)
Step 3 :- place the result first step 1 and after step 2.

Ex. 108 square
Step 1 :- 108+8=116
Step 2 :- 8 square = 64
Step 3 :- 116_64
             = 11664

Ex 2. 102 square
Step 1 :- 102+2=104
Step 2 :- 2 square = 04 (because step 2 result is single digit so put 0 in front of the result))
Step 3 :- 104_04
            = 10404
 Practice of some problem and be better


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